Our Report & Development Proposal

This document is updated as and when information and data from consultations is reviewed.

You can download the latest draft proposal here:

You can also download Bradford Councils letter regarding the current status of the park. Other notable organisations reference Littlemoor as:

  • A Priority Habitat Network (forestry Commission)
  • A Deciduous Woodland Priority Habitat Inventory (Nature England)

Please find the letter HERE

Our proposal follows the Councils own past plans and fits with the overall themes and statuses given to the park as a Site of Local Conservation Importance and a Bradford Wildlife Area. Additionally, we have included proposals for further recreation facilities such as an orienteering course, stargazing platform & sitting areas as well as paying close attention to restoring some of the historical features such as the lake and hawthorn arch.

Our proposal is based on our aims to: Uncover, Restore and Protect with a ‘light touch’ that will maintain a place for the the quiet enjoyment of nature, recreation and education.

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